Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Anis, Kak Amrien & Kak Iffah..

I have a friend...
her name is Anis...
this is her...
isn't she beautiful??

yesterday was her birthday...
so I just want to say...

may GOD bless you
wish you all the happiness
may all your dreams come true

btw..there are two other people who have the same birthday as my friend..
they are my
*ahh you guys are going back this december..gotta miss you guys a lot..other seniors too*
to my dearest Kak Amrien and Kak Iffah...

may GOD bless you
wish you all the happiness
may all your dreams come true

*hahah same jek ucapan...just wanna be*
btw..that's kak syal in the middle..kak amrien on the left, and kak iffah on the right...huhu

hopefully you guys had the most meaningful and unforgettable birthday this year

~~the end~~

1 comment:

rienmiel said...

salam bayah~

oh...we definitely will miss u guys too!!

lepas ni kak bayah plak kena jaga2 adik2...
masak2 selalu esp. mee goreng yang pedas lagi lazats...
yang penting, mantain slamber and cool eh :)