ahhh still...2 more assignments to finish...
but yeah..who cares...*gilo apo..of course la aku kesah..lol~~*
so yesterday I went out to buy few stuffs for friends in NZ..
and of course to change my Aussie dollars into NZ dollars...
*there goes my savings for the whole semester*
and d**n... with my never-ending bad luck
the exchange rate was a bit low
*well at least..at places that I went to..not one, not two...but 3...that kakak was nice..so ok la*
finally after walking for hours *dekat satu city pusing..haha exaggerate* I managed to change almost all my money..
here what I got...
but seriously...only 2 $100 notes..and the others are in small change...
kenapakah org NZ yg ke Aussie xbawak duet besar2 jek...huhu
aigoo....gemok la wallet...huhuhu
even mase tukar duet pi jepon dulu..dapat la dekat 70,000 yen..tp xdela setebal nie...huhu ade duet pon dekat 8 keping jek kot...
nak dijadikan cerita...
mase dekat last tmpat currency exchange tu...
wallet ku tetibe membuat aksi stunt menghilangkan diri...
peh dah bergenang air mate ni....dahla sorg2..kak mard mase tu stil wif KA's family...korek2 beg
*maklom la beg besar...like Ning said "eh..why ur bag looks like beg balik kampong one?" hahah..i like la this style*
even that kakak *I mentioned her earlier* made me more anxious
kakak: hey r u allrite?
bayah: hmm..can u just wait a sec..I can't find my wallet..*effect mate berkaca*
kakak: oh ok..relax2..
bayah: haa ok2...*dalam hati.."aigoo diam la..jgn tambah tensi"
kakak: can u find it?
bayah: *pgg wallet*...omg here it is...thank god..fuhh...*muke lega seperti lepas buang air*
jadi kesimpulannye di sini..kalau beg anda besar..beli la pouch utk senang simpan neccessities tu
*huhu sblm ni handphone and lip gloss yg suke buat stunt menghilangkan diri*
so right before we went back to MUV..singgah sebentar di Equip membeli ini...
another thing..I bought Mr Jae!!!
heheh I decided to name him this morning...lol
well mase kat paddy's tu beli few souvenirs for friends...
and I saw him...*kak mard nmpak dulu..huhu*
I can't resist buying him....lol
here's Mr Jae...
he's a boxer...a hot one!!!!
ok this one is right before his first fight...
the opponent is Encik Sarip Dol from Kampung Dusun
*ok..i'm not making any sense rite now..whatever*
and this one...
after he was knocked out..right in the first round..on the 47 seconds...
looks like Mr Jae decided to retire selepas menerima kekalahan in his debut fight...
hahahhaah ok inila kesan dr kebosanan dan kemalasan yg amat sangat utk membuat esaimen...
here I come...
kepada yg berkaitan..jgn luper kompang dan karpet merah yg dijanjikan..
waaa!!! kaye kaye! makcik kayeeer!
safe jourmey bayah, makcik kedai karpet cakap insyaAllah dan la tu siap mase 11 hb tu. :p
mr jae? perghhh tak tahan nama
boleh pesan tak? nak pesan daging burung kiwi 2 kilo, nak buat rendang makan ngan pulut kuning.
bagos ye cik fathen...naseb baek sempat siap karpet tu...huhu
hahha kak mard..bese la...
sume bende kene ader jae-influence..lol
ahh nak burung kiwi 2..no problemo
cukup ke 2 jek...
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