I'm bored again...
I should be studying instead I'm doing this...
I'm taking pictures of again...my room and my not-so-important stuffs
my notice board...the one that I face everyday before and after class, before and after breakfast lunch and dinner, before and after sleep..practically every single free time and in fact now..hahha
I put few pictures and notes just to remind myself what I should do..
I should be studying instead I'm doing this...
I'm taking pictures of again...my room and my not-so-important stuffs
my notice board...the one that I face everyday before and after class, before and after breakfast lunch and dinner, before and after sleep..practically every single free time and in fact now..hahha
I put few pictures and notes just to remind myself what I should do..
1. family pic-check
2. DBSK pic-check
3. Jaejoong's pic-check
4. rent payment schedule-check
5. Nana's card-check (hahah you should be proud..hahah bajet la 2)
and few other stuff
why don't we take a closer look...
2. DBSK pic-check
3. Jaejoong's pic-check
4. rent payment schedule-check
5. Nana's card-check (hahah you should be proud..hahah bajet la 2)
and few other stuff
why don't we take a closer look...
hehehhe why is DBSK pic on top of my family's pic...
don't know but it looks good that way...
p/s: my family will always be the 1st in my heart..
I'm the cute one in green
*runs away from rotten eggs and cabbage*
so what is that..written in Japanese?
hehehe it's Jaejoong..the only japanese words that I can write...
took me quite some time to write that...
who's Jaejoong? heheh my ideal guy~~
*ceh jiwang mode..*
so this is Jaejoong..maybe he doesn't look like the macho type and manly..
not in this picture at least..
but yeah, I like him..
wait..what's that on the left??
zoom in!!!
zooming~~ zooming~~
since I'm not allowed to do it at home...hehehe
I got this one when I bought All About DBSK 2
and I don't know why but I really like it..
I have about 20+ posters safely secured from anyone (including my sister) back in my room (which is in Malaysia) but I chose to only bring this one....
everyone looks so good here, maybe that's why...
in short, I LOVE IT!!
so after spending-without-much-thinking for the first few months in Australia, these are what I came up with...
hehehe my beloved collection of Dong Bang stuffs...
yeah I spend few hundreds on them....
any regret?? NONE!!!
maybe not yet...in fact I'm thinking about adding my collection..I had my eyes on few items already
yeah I bough it wit my own credit card..lol more like a debit-card..hehheh
the cd with Jaejoong's face is actually AADBSK1 and it's not their album..
well who cares, I just put it to make it looks like I have many cds...lol
still, I must include Jaejoong's pic in everything..
so the cds are
Triangle (1st korean album)
Heart, Mind and Soul (1st Japanese album)
Five in the Black (2nd Japanese album)
Keyword/Maze (Jaejoong's single)
what..Jaejoong's single? they are in a group...
yeah close up please~~
well each one of the members has their own single out..
and I bought only Jaejoong's single...
heheheh....you know why
as for all these...
it's their Photobooks..
the red one is from the Rising Sun repackage
the middle one is their O Tour photobook..(eventhough it's from their Bangkok concert version, it's good because the pictures are marvellous..love it..a lot)
on the left is again from AADBSK 1
and the left is their 2nd photobook 'The Way You Are' (yeah, Jaejoong's weirdest hairdo is during that time, but still I bought it because it has their photos when they were kids..cute)
Aim: DBSK Prince in Prague..$60 (still thinking, where can I find the money to buy it..lol)
this is their postcards that came with AADBSK 1..
hahaha Jaejoong with big and bushy hair...
Jaejoong's face again...
I told ya, this post is Jaejoong-centric...
but I always love them in suits...
only one word came into mind..hot..hot..atsui~~
hhahahah it's 1.39am and i should really go back to study....
so our weekly quiz..
how many times did I mention Jaejoong's name in this post??
hahaha for those who has free time and really really really had nothing to do....start counting..
the winner will receive...my deepest gratitude....lol
EDUC261...hahah tomorrow is the test..
which means after this, no more EDUC261...
EDUC261..bye bye..sayonara~~
soklan EDUC261 td bbunyik. how do u relate teens' frenzy about this K-Pop Culture(DBSK,BigBang etc) with teaching and technology? Justify your answers in reference to constructivism. jawb bayah jwb!
amboi k.mard.sakan soalan.wahahahhaa.
hhahahha how do we relate??
I don't like this question..
I'm gonna skip (Nathan, 2008)..
hahahah xpela..nak minat pon..ape barang jadi artis kalu xde die-hard-fan cam org nie..huahauhua..
alia..tolong jawabkan
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